A young man who beat stage 3 cancer as a child has managed to defy the odds and achieve his dream - to become a doctor and help other sick children.
At just four years old, Oscar Oglina, from Bristol, was diagnosed with stage 3 liver cancer after noticing a lump on his abdomen.
The Great Ormond Street Hospital in London became his second home during his childhood, as he spent much time there receiving his necessary treatment. Oscar was even removed from his primary school in order to focus more time on his treatment.
As he grew older, Oscar's treatment began to work and he spent less and less time at Great Ormond Street Hospital, and less time surrounded by the doctors and nurses who helped with his treatment.
And as time went on, Oscar managed to find a way to give back to those who helped him, and help others who found themselves in his situation.
"As I grew up and came to terms with what happened," said Oscar, "I had a real drive to get a place at medical school, so I could go back and help other sick children."
Oscar followed his dreams so thoroughly that after all his hardship, he graduated earlier this year from the University of Bristol as a medical student.
Even Oscar's parents believe how well-suited his to the role. As his father said, "Once you’ve faced a serious illness like cancer - you possess a level of true empathy. You better understand what your patients are going through."